Charter Granted 1258
This year's fair will be on
30th October 2025

The Best of 2024
Raptors World was one of the highlights of the 2024 fair, roaming the streets and making an appearance in the Children's Zone.
Also Chloe Marie Aston was a big hit too moving around and entertaining the crowds on her "Piano Bike"!.
At one point they even performed together which you can see here!

Highlights of 2023
Titan the Robot wowed crowds at the Bampton Charter Fair 2023. The robot, who gained national fame of Britain’s Got Talent, amongst other appearances across the globe, was one of the stars at the fair.
As well as Titan, other entertainers included the Bottletop Boogie Band, Duo Tonic, the Lucy Lastic Band and Fox Willow Harmony and a range of street entertainers including the Bampton Players and their Mummer’s Play.
Elsewhere, dozens of stalls filled the streets and church with food, drink and crafts.
History of the Fair
King Henry III may not have anticipated that over 760 years after he granted the Fair at Bampton his Royal Charter, it would still be going strong and giving enjoyment to many thousands of people every year.
We may no longer have the sales of livestock and ponies, but the last Thursday in October still provides a lot of retail therapy as well as being a social event and a great day out. With the roads being closed, the fun-fair arriving, the streets being filled with market stalls, the church hosting the craft fair, and tents by the riverside providing space for local produce and traditional skills, the whole atmosphere of the town is transformed.
Add to that the arrival of musicians and street entertainers, we have all the ingredients for putting a smile on visitors’ faces. We hope you have a fantastic day with us in Bampton!